Books you’ll that your children

Libri makes learning an adventure.

Cover of the book Oscar of Cottonwood
Cover of the book Rainbows Are For Me
Cover of the book Oscar and the Dinosaurs


2 Free Books

Deep Dive

Toddler-Proof Purchases

Offline Reading

Oscar the rabbit waves hello.

So what is Libri, anyways?

Glad you asked! Libri is a children’s book app written by developer Mark Zebley that aims to engage children at their level.

As a father, Mark has long noticed how many books are content to approach kids at the “lowest common denominator.” You know the type, titles that provide such stimulating and original content as “A is for Apple” or “Bananas are Yellow."

Libri was purpose built to provide a platform that instead chooses to expand horizons by teaching concepts with new examples - keeping things fresh, fun, and engaging.

As the platform grows and develops, Mark intends to collaborate with other independent authors and artists to release an entire ecosystem of educational books across a diverse variety of topics - from mental well-being and emothional health, to science, math, art and more. Each title will focus on learning and growth, including micro engagements on each page that prompt children and their parents to dive deeper into the things that capture their interest.

Libri logo, a book with a smile.
